What Does Weather Lore Say About Hurricanes?
Countless wives' tales and folklore sayings middle roughly storms. Whether it's the color of skies or wisps of clouds that look alike mare's tails, these locution and rhymes warned sailors and farmers to pay attention to the signals nature was sending about the weather that was coming. Just did our ancestors warn about hurricanes, weather's fiercest of storms? We searched our archives for hurricane windward lore and plant the following (both of which we've never heard in front!):
Seagull, seagull, sit on the sand;
It's never ample weather condition when you're on land.

If there's unitary skirt that will be intimate when a hurricane is approaching over the ocean, surely IT's the gull. Seagulls spend the majority of their time flying over the ocean or sitting on its aboveground, so if you see them lingering on land it's a sure sign there's ill weather condition at overseas. 1 ground why they do this is they can sense changes in barometric imperativeness—and hurricanes have the lowest pressure of any gentle of tempest. Some other explanation for why gulls land and wait for storms to pass is because the elect low pressure also discourages thermals (the rising currents of warm air that leave birds to effortlessly soar to higher altitudes).
When sparrows hide under hedges or roof ledges, a hurricane is coming.

Like gulls, sparrows fire also be observed roosting whenever squat-insistency systems pull in, and for the synoptic reasons.
When a cow carries its tail upright, it is a sign of a coming hurricane.

According to farmers and animal scientists, you throne tell a cow's mood by the position of its tail. When the tail is lifted vertically, it means the cow feels vulnerable.
Sharks swim out to deeper water just before a hurricane.

It's true, sharks actually move into deeper Waters hours before a hurricane makes landfall. Like birds and other animals, sharks are able to sense changes in water force per unit area (this is how they notice disturbances and vibrations in the weewe). So when a hurricane's low pressure nears, sharks relocate as a way to avoid organism swept into shallow waters or washed ashore by powerful wind-driven waves.

To be honest, we're not sure how an alligator's growl relates to hurricanes (perchance information technology's trying to equate pressure), but this locution can be heard in much parts of Florida and the Gulf states.
Much animal weather lore here!
Throw you heard of whatever other sayings, or witnessed odd pig-like behavior just before a hurricane or tropical storm? We'd lovemaking to know! Parcel with us in the comments infra.
Tiffany Means
Tiffany Means is a freelance writer and a degreed meteorologist. She specializes in upwind forecasting and enjoys devising the subject of weather (and the science fundament IT) more relatable. She presently resides in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Due north Carolina.
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Source: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/hurricane-weather-lore-28628
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